I agree with bryan. Sure you can get owner financing 100% but most of these houses are distressed- and will cost more than 50$ to get up to par. Plus you will have closing costs as well. Bought a few 0 down houses this year and even though it was 0 down it still cost me between 3-5k each to get everything up and running.
Sure you could work with a cash partner as rob suggested but in my experience it is hard to find someone to put up cash unless you have experience to show.
I really dont see how you will get far with 50$ though. I would have not waisted my time forming an entity and saved that money instead to put towards my first investment.
Opinions on an exit strategy? Kinda an open ended question no?
Only real solution I can offer is to find a part time job and save up a few thousand for something small to start. Sorry its not what you want to hear but 50$ isnt going far. I cant fill up my car for 50$ let alone buy an apartment complex.