@Maurice Boston
I do apologize to my first posting, though I was joking, I can not let a fellow Detroit investor suffer. You are a newbie on this site, and have alot of questions. There is a wealth of information on here if you know what your looking for and have a direct question there are alot of people that will help. As for your situation, you obviously know something outsiders do not about your neighborhood and know there is potential in the properties Couple options to play are..
1)Look for a bank that can lend you some money.. Hard this time around in Detroit homes, but it is based on the location. and the direct surrounding area. But since you are living in one, there are programs on there that will lend money to owner occupied homes and can lend up significant amount based on the rehab. As listed from other investors in this post. Take that money and budget rehabs on both as much as possible. Focusing more on getting the rental unit.
Other lenders can be found on the detroit land bank site.
2) Take a small personal loan. Get what you can to rehab, and put it in the back of your head to pay it off with the rent you would have. So this means focus on the rental home rehab, and do the minimum to live in the other for now
3) Get a business identity and get a business credit card with 12month 0 interest for rehabs. Pay everything on it. I even paid contractors through paypal to pay off rehabs. I have had very early success using credit cards to my advantage. Though many are against this route it can be quite possible to pay off the debt within that timeframe with the high cash flow potential you can get in the rental property.
4) No credit no money? Look for a money/credit partner. Yes your giving up skin on the properties but that is better than losing them. There are many investors and wholesalers in Detroit that will take on the ride, if the property is in the right spot.
5) Find a wholesaler and/investor that can wipe your hands clean, and watch how they work. This would be a significant learning experience. In the real estate game especially here in Detroit, move onto the next deal.
Dont get discourage, just know your end game and go with it. Good luck