@Chris Simmons
Hey there @Chris Simmons....... man you got some tough issues to try to sort through. Let me start by saying I am not an attorney or CPA and I advise you to seek the services of licensed professionals for legal and tax matters. Ok?
Alright so that being said, you need to do a little leg work here and you will be able to find what you are looking for pretty quickly and easily. Forget about main stream lenders, they work with homeowners for the most part so you'll want to hit your local banks and talk to the highest person there you are able to reach.
If they all tell you no then Google search for corporate loans, corporate mortgage, borrow money to buy real estate in llc etc. You want to find banks (maybe out of state and credit unions) who do this on a regular basis.
If that's a flop start networking for private note buyers and see what you can do in the HUGE private mortgage industry. Example scenario for a private mortgage buyer would be something like this: They discount your mortgage by 3%-8% of the loan balance, you should have 3+ years to go, interest rate of about 2-3 points over prime (which is what you may be paying a bank for a corporate loan) and decent credit. Effectively your father-in-law would make and record a mortgage and after about 4-6 months, "he" would sell it to a note buyer.
Let's look at the numbers for you and the investor:
Mortgage: $100,000
Interest Rate: 7.5%
Term: 10 Years No Prepayment penalty
Note buyer discount: 8% (worst case scenario) PLUS 7.5% on $100,000 mortgage which he only paid $92,000 for. 12.26% Annual return to the note buyer PLUS his 8% when you pay him/her off. There is a huge upside for the note buyers and they will do these all day long.
Your father-in-law gets $92,000 from the note buyer right? What happens after that is between you and your father in law as to the proceeds being split if that happens. I say that because I assume you buy the property at a lower price, improve it, increase value then refi out at 80%.
Just some food for thought....... I hope it helps.