I am a multifamily agent in Kansas City and work exclusively with investors. Of those about 70% are out of state. Im also an investor both in Kansas City and out of state and had approx 16M in transactions last year. There are terrible agents too- dont get me started- but for this discussion, what makes a great client? Three things.
First, dont waste my time. If you get me on the phone and start asking me questions Google can give you the answer to, we're not going to get along. Im here to coach you on your personal investment situation, not teach you the basics of real estate. Go listen to a podcast or ten. Second, dont pump me for all my contacts before you have something under contract and we've worked together. Do I know the best PM's, rehabbers, lenders? Sure. If a haven't vetted you then Im not passing you onto great people who also don't want their time wasted. Don't expect this valuable info to be handed out freely before you build a relationship with your agent. Third, trust me! Nothing is worse in a transaction then when a buyer is suspicious of your advice. Im part of YOUR team and there needs to be a certain level of trust. Do successful agents get to be that way by handing out terrible advice? No, investment agents are successful because of repeat business. We want to see you make money so you keep coming back to add to your portfolio.
Last part goes without saying, but select an agent and build an exclusive relationship. If you want to switch, completely fine but be transparent. Two agents showed up yesterday at the same property to preview it. When we found out we were both there for the same client, we went and had coffee, chatted for two hours about great off market deals coming up and deleted that client from both our lists.