I can back all the above up. My family ranches cows (specialize in beef longhorns and crosses), but it is a retirement hobby more than anything. Every few years they make good money when it hits right. They have enough properties nearby each other to hold on to beef until the market picks up, too.
I don't know that I would trust someone else to run a beef operation for me, especially remotely. If I was local to it and could verify things frequently with my own eyes I'd consider an arrangement like that. There is more fraud, theft/rustling, poor husbandry, liars and cheats, and other issues than you'd imagine in such a culturally important industry. A less risky avenue might be to buy rangeland or improved/irrigated pasture that you can cashflow with grazing leases. Less risk, allows you to be exposed to "rent" in the cattle market, invest in land that might appreciate, et cetera et cetera. The potential risks would be things like lessors over grazing/putting more cattle than allowed on the property, wildfire/natural disasters, still having exposure to cattle prices IE lease prices drop, things like that. Eliminates you having direct exposure to the cattle market and a manager themselves though.
This is purely anecdotal, so take it for what it is, but from my perspective the beef market here has "niched down" more recently. Lots more folks doing 100% grassfed/finished, certified organic, wagyu/wagyu crosses, longhorns/longhorn crosses, bison, farm-to-table supply, et cetera than in years past. Bison while similar to cows are, quite literally, a whole other animal though haha!