So I have a few minutes to touch on a few thoughts I had.
1) Buy it yourself and live there. If you have the money, combine this strategy with your parents by having them co-sign (no cash) on the loan so you can qualify (this assumes you have the cash). Plan a timeline/target price to either convert it into an AirBnB and move or sell it at a target price and move. Pay your parents a return on their risk.
2) If current owner has a mortgage balance on it - Try a "subject-to" purchase. Lots of info out there on it. Don't be afraid of it. Use a good service/attorney to help you set it up. Set up an LLC like "Tuuk Property Management LLC" and make payments from there to their bank.
3) If current owner owns it free-and-clear - try owner-financing as an option. Tweak the term, interest rate, and amount down to fit your investment goals and the current owner's needs. This and option #2 give you great chances to make AirBnB crush it.
4) Partner up with someone. Self explanatory. Lots of people (me included) would love to do more investing in the Hill Country, just have to ask around and offer value!
5) Get in front of the owner before anything else. Above all else, focus on WHY they may be selling and what their pain point(s) are and how you can HELP them! Let them know you would LOVE to buy their home. If you hit a point where you don't have an idea of how to fix their "pain point" or solve a problem, be transparent and say you want to do a little research and think about what the best way to move forward may be. Come back on here and look for answers!
I hear you on risk. Not sure how old you are, but based on having a 1y/o, probably fairly spry! You've got a lot of time to bounce back from failures, and if you worked that long abroad, you probably have some pretty significant life skills you don't even recognize that you can monetize for years to come if need-be. Can't learn without failures (read as "at bats" or opportunities taken). Fail fast, small, and often to begin with to get big success real fast!
Just my initial thoughts :)