I agree with a lot of what is said before.
The communications can all be automated which is 90% of the work. So can the locks, temperature control, etc.
While you do need people on the ground, you find them over time. When you set up the place initially, meet your neighbors and build a good relationship with them. They are your best resource and they want to see it smoothly run for their own sake. So usually they are more than happy to refer people they use or offer to help in a pinch themselves. Lots of these sub contractors though will become friends as long as you treat them well, pay them quickly and refer them to others. Also, ask them to begin with, if I need extra help for other stuff not necessarily related to your trade, are you available? You'd be surprised how many are more than happy to help because they want cash jobs that can be paid out quick.
Your cleaner is everything so spoil them. They will be the first to tell you if there are any issues.
And lastly, have cameras on the exterior of the house so you can monitor it.
Many people, including myself, manage remotely. And honestly, this isn't something I would pass off to someone else yet at this point in my investing career because what they say is true: no one will care more about your property than you do.
So good luck! You got this!