@Kima Murry
Hey Kima, welcome aboard. I just started out a few months ago here in OKC I also paid for a 3 day seminar last month actually lol. Anyways even though I am still a newbie this is what I have learned...
Failing will happen. 95% of all properties you look at will not work out. The trick is to accept this and remember that there is another house just around the block. You don't fail until you decide to quit.
The most important thing to do is find a mentor. This does not mean come up to an investor and ask will you be my mentor. It will not work out. You have to provide value to that person and make it beneficial for them to teach you, other wise it will not happen. This is what I did and I hope it can work for you. Go to craigslist and search for the ads that say we buy houses, any ads that look like it is from an independent investor is the best one. Companies won't necessarily respond. Be honest and let them know you are starting out and are looking to learn about real estate. Offer your services, be it time or what ever talent you can bring to the table. Ask them what you can do to make it easier for them, are there any task you can help them do, any errands you can help run or calls to make. If one accepts and says they need help posting ads on CL or helping them answer calls or to call potential leads, then your on your way. You are giving them time to focus on bigger tasks and at the same time you are getting on site training on how things work. Before you know it you will be analyzing your own deals meeting with sellers and you will start to meet other investors and creating your own list. Become friends with your mentor they will teach you way more in 5 minutes then a 3 day class will ever.
I hope this helps and please any questions you might have feel free to message me.