@Ken Rishel Lease Options are a great way to sell a property when structured correctly and not performed in a predatory manner.
You make it seem like they were shut down for simply conducting lease option transactions. You didn't include exactly why that particular company was targeted. Its not that they were simply doing lease options; Its that they were operating in an extremely predatory manner.
"VPM requires the tenants to front the costs to rehabilitate the property, pay all the overdue taxes, and resolve any outstanding building code violations associated with the property, Wisconsin’s complaint states.
And, if the tenant does not remedy those issues within a short period of time, VPM evicts the tenant and “repeats the cycle by renting the uninhabitable property to yet another Wisconsin consumer,” the Wisconsin DOJ said in a statement.
According to the complaint, VPM rented properties with sewage in the basement; black mold; lack of water, heat, or electricity; insect infestation; and multiple code violations; among other issues."
@Rebecca Knox Awesome company name lol !! :)