@Will F.
Im using InvestorFuse right now and i'm not overly impressed so far.
The good:
- Easy integration with InvestorCarrot
- .. um.. im sure there's something else..
The bad:
- Its still Podio
- $197 a month
- Customer support is garbage
- You pay per email/text/call through the system
- Emails are text only, no media
- There are a lot of "fluff" apps.. there to make it look like you're getting your money's worth, but with absolutely no use/functionality:
"MLS Deals" app. I get expired MLS leads emailed to me. I wanted the leads imported into that app, separate from the main "Seller Leads" and then direct mail from the App. No-Go. The app is to store/keep track of leads only. No automations included..unless you pay them extra $$$
"Deal Marketing" app. You would assume that this is the app where you take your deals.. and market them..right? Wrong. Again, it has absolutely no use outside of "keeping track" of your marketing.
"Offers" app. Where you would expect to click a few buttons and shoot an offer to a Seller. Wrong again. For "keeping track" of offers only. Like "Deal Marketing" its something i assume would be done within the Seller Leads app.
If you ask customer support for anything other than quick fixes or questions, they divert to the "CTO" and disappear.
So bottom line.. it sucks.