@Mark Patelundefined You can't lease option it till the payments are current per §5.085 Title 2 Ch 5 TPC so you'll have to get the payments current to do a lease option and you'll also have to get title if you are doing a SLO.
Looking at the numbers of $191k owed and PITI of 1800 I'd say the interest is pretty high on that loan.
I wouldn't get anyone into the house until the payments are current even if you take it sub-2
I just don't see the numbers here.
I could put out a bandit sign and get a better deal.
The numbers just don't work dude.
If there was possible cash flow, or equity etc....let's talk.
Nothing here.
Unless you can get $12k down you can't do anything.
I get the FC list for Harris county so I'm sure it's on it for this month...
The owner doesn't care because of her situation but she could do a deed in Lieu without recourse but I wouldn't think she'd care at this point.
I would disagree with what @dana
@Dana Whickerundefinedstaed in that I think a short sale might be an option, but the lender will most likely;y require it be listed.
The bank is about to get a house for what it's worth.
I realize forums aren't the best p[lace to work out finite details but I could see a shortt sale.