@Chris Bounds - Where are these lists coming from? I see you have absentee lists but don't define specific criteria. How detailed are you getting. The more focused you are, the better the results. Are you targeting entire counties or are you specifying by city or better yet, zip code?
I.E. Targeting to Absentee +15 years is great, but what about if you added a sale price of 0-1 to hit on the ownership transfers and inheritance. Are these all out of state? What price point are you hitting on?
I think it's vital that you are EXTREMELY specific with your DM criteria.
Do you have a lead generating website? Throw your URL on there and apply Google Analytics to your website to see how many people are actually manually typing in your information. What is the yellow letter message?
The point here is every single detail in your DM campaign should be well thought out, ask yourself why, why, why, why over and over again until you come to a logical conclusion. You will always get your best DM results by doing this.
Good luck.