all the comments above are excellent points. The one scenario left out is a spouse. What do you do when you are moving ahead with REI education but the spouse doesn't and is negative with every discussion of an investment opportunity? Tough situation. I for one don't need validation from anyone. If I could just be left alone with investing, that would be fine (although a prefer my spouse to be a partner) Let's face it, it's always good to have someone to bounce ideas around. But since REI usually involves shared capital as well as credit and risk, how do you move forward? I plan to have a sit down, no distraction conversation with my spouse soon. Although I will be very open, bottom line is, Get in the game or step aside and trust me. No more Monday night quarter backing. Start with small deals to build your spouses confidence in REI and you. I'll let you know if I can still see out of both eyes after our sit down.