So my wife and I bought this duplex a little over a year ago with the intention of turning an empty space, located below my living room, into a studio apartment. We were hoping to have it done but due to problems with the city we haven't even started yet.
Here's the issue. From the outside the space has its own entrance and it's own driveway. The only thing not finished Is the inside. The space is 350sft, and the city is telling us we owe $5200 in impact fees before they will approve a building permit. The room was part of an addition in 2000 and the space is listed separately on the tax record and has been taxed since it was built. The impact fees for this space never popped up in my due diligence, and I don't even have a problem with paying them, but the cost seems outrageous for the square footage.
With that we appealed to the city. We were told by the city manager that if it had been a mother in law suite there would not have been fees, but the city planner says he's wrong, and that it doesn't matter. He also told us there was no room for a deduction.
I'm trying to play by the rules here, but my patience is waning thin. (Did I mention it took over 2 months to get replys to some of the questions. That was with us calling almost every day)
So my questions are:
1. Get a lawyer?
2. Pay the fee?
3. Keep fighting?
4. Or just finish the space?
Thanks for letting me rant.