Originally posted by Caleb Whitney:
Ok, so I was under the impression that this "tutorial" was going to show me how to actually print the lines onto the blank yellow paper. So what you do is purchase lined yellow paper. Ok, so that changes everything. Now my question is where in the heck do you find bulk lined yellow paper? I am not going to purchase legal pads, rip the paper off and feed that through my printer when I send out 75-100 per day.
Even if you found paper with the same weight and color of the legal pad your printed lines are going to look fake.
High volume marketing is great if you pick the right method for it...doing any kind of printing on your home PC for 500+ letters a week is insane, imo. I use this method for low volume, targeted areas and I get a great response.
How are the envelopes addressed? With a "hand written" letter, your envelope is going to have to match which means you need a printer that will feed envelopes (most do it one at a time) or you'll have to actually hand write on them. Labels are a dead giveaway for a mass mailing and defeat the purpose of using the yellow paper in the first place. If your mailing 75 - 100 letters at a time you know that addressing the envelopes is a major time consuming pain in the butt.
If cost is your concern then your problem is with your suppler, NOT the product. There are 100's of Wholesale office supply places nationwide that could probably cut your costs in half if your buying that much. Most companies don't make ANYTHING these days, they are really just marketing companies selling someone else's product with their name on it. FIND THEIR SUPPLIER!
An even easier thing to do if you want to really cut costs would be to buy your paper from a paper maker in China. Doing business overseas is not as complex as people want you to think. Don't let simple things get in your way, if you really want to pursue it there IS a way, you just need to think like and Entrepreneur and find the solution that best meets your goals.