Alexander Bustos, I will try to answer some of your questions. I found the banks by looking online, remembering banks I saw around town, and asking other people. By local, community or regional banks I am not talking about the big guys (Bank of America, etc) it won't be that hard to distinguish.
Calling banks is ok, but you really need to go and talk to someone. The loans I am referring to are commercial loans (I am borrowing with my company (an LLC)) although I personally guarantee the loans. So you will likely want to talk to the commercial lender at the bank.
As for cash down, you are almost certainly going to need something. We do not need 25-30%, but we do need to bring 10% to the table, and I have not heard of many places that are still doing that.
When you talk to the lenders you are going to need to go in with a plan. I would recommend finding a potential deal and using the BP Flip Calculator (put in as much info as possible and be conservative on the numbers) can take the report to show them they types of deals you are looking at. They are lending to a business, so you need to prove to them you will be successful.
I hope that helps.