I would self manage. You will be giving away a lot of money that will cut into your profits considerably. It is not hard to self manage at all. Carry a good inventory, and have the highest quality of linens, towels and furniture you can afford, as the cheaper stuff wears out faster.
I have wonderful cleaners that I pay well, respect and most importantly communicate well with. I trust them and know that they treat my house like it was their own. I have them take inventory with every clean through Turno and have supplies sent to their personal homes to maintain my inventory. I have wonderful relationships with quality professionals, handyman(in my case, handywoman) plumbers, electricians, AC services etc. When I call, they usually get to my location within a few hours and always the same day for any repairs/services needed. I am loyal to them and they treat me very well. If you have all this in place, it is very minimal work daily and far outweighs the cost you would pay a property manager.