I'm sure everyone has some knowledge to bring to the table but might not know everything about saving money on your taxes so this thread is here to help make a collective list of ways to save money on your tax returns this year. Lets spread the wealth and let others gain in our knowledge of finance so we can all eventually hit our end goals both this year and in life!
Obviously saving money on tax season is a HUGE topic but there's only one way to get it all into one spot and that's to have people post what they know and have someone sort it out as best as possible to make it easier for everyone to read! So lets break it down. I'm sure we all want to know about how to save money on our real estate deals but I'm sure a lot of us have spouses, kids, businesses, or just want to save a few bucks here and there because of the things they bought this year (maybe a new car?) Lets help everyone in any way we can and maybe you'll learn something new in the process as well!
1. Please lets not delve into the depths of a single issue. Lets keep this simple and easy for as many people to understand as possible without having to read a whole ton!
2. The more information you can give the better! maybe it's on a single topic or multiple topics but share as much as you know!
3. If someone's information is wrong, don't flame them, just kindly correct them and share your facts on why you believe you are right. If you get corrected, just live and learn, don't argue back. :) We're all wrong once or twice in our life!
4. Lets get this thread out to as many people as we can! Remember, keywords are a great way to bring people into the conversation without actually having to individually tag every single person but of course if there is that one special person you want to invite to the party feel free to tag them as well! I know I want as many people in Honolulu / Hawaii / Oahu / Big Island / Maui / Kauai / Molokai and all over the United States to be able to read this and benefit from it. What areas do you think need the most help? New York ? California ? Florida ? I'm sure you see where I'm going with this ;)