@Justin H. - No worries on the questions. I'm used to people asking questions, because tiny homes are a hot topic right now and there's so little information (or misinformation) out there.
Our focus is brand new construction and BYOH, bring your own home. Mobile home parks do have a negative stigma, for sure. However, we're working with a different caliber of people and a much higher quality of construction with tiny homes.
The average cost of a tiny home is about $75k and in a market like Denver where the average cost is about $500k, it's significantly more affordable. We do have some issues with lending. The #1 problem with tiny homes is, where do we put them? Thanks to zoning/planning regulations. Luckily there are organizations like mine who is actively working to address this. Problem #2 is how do we pay for them? There are financial institutions out there starting to wake up to our industry like Liberty Bank of Utah.
We have a few back end investors as well as a lender who's interested in unique projects such as this to round out everything we'll need from closing and beyond. We're struggling with predev costs for engineering and county fees. Largely because I'm just a tiny home owner, personally, trying to solve a massive problem.
Baby boomers are the #1 demographic looking to tiny homes as a great option for their golden years.
If you'd like, we can schedule a phone conversation to talk more about tiny homes in general or otherwise.