I was about 4 years deep into an accounting career I knew I hated from Day 1...
Growing up, other kids wanted to play in the NFL, but my dream was to be CFO of the Coca-Cola company or something...a "finance pro' with an office on the 5555555th floor, and a marble desk.
Sounds stupid, right?
Nabbed my first accounting job right out of school making $35,000 per year in downtown Charlotte. This was 2011. Still in recession recovery and many of my friends had to trudge home after graduation.
I was the 'lucky one.'
...Until my first day of work, when Eddy (my jovial boss) walked me through a sea of cubicles to give me my 'very own.' It was beige, old, and depressing. He dropped a 900-page book in my lap and to study the 'financials of the company' until lunch as he had nothing for me to do...
Right then and there...I knew I had made a huge mistake. My illusions of an illustrious accounting career escaped from my brain like they were on fire.
Fast forward a few years...
I had tried many ventures...
Building an app (I was the worst coder in the world)
Tried building a physical product (I can't build crap...still can't)
Tried an informational product (I was alone and couldn't juggle my day job...got burned out)
Finally, I stumbled on what I love.
No, it's not real estate.
I love marketing.
In late 2015, I started getting a few small clients who wanted to take a chance on a dumb schmuck like myself.
My wife and I had a 1 year old...she stayed home...I was now making a whopping 46,000 per year...we had student debt, credit card debt, a mortgage we couldn't afford, 2 car loans, collection agencies for medical bills hounding my wife's phone like vultures...
We had about $17,000 in money set aside for 'savings.' That included retirement money, everything.
On January 15, 2016, I logged into my Facebook as I started my day at the ol' accounting job...
I saw this video from Steve Harvey called "jump."
Immediately after watching this video, I turned to my calendar and marked "Feb 1st" on my calendar. Told no one who asked why I had balloons and stars marked on that day.
I quit.
The first 12 months sucked as I learned how to juggle my schedule...no boss telling me what to do to earn my paycheck.
In 2019, we were making multiple 6-figures with my business...
We dove into real estate to start building our wealth. (now, with 3 kids).
In about 12 months, we've flipped 3 homes bought 4 rentals. And growing from there.
1) You'll be afraid everyday for the first 12 months
2) Do things everyday to grow your business
3) By Month 13, you'll realize you're going to be better than okay and should've quit years ago.
EDIT: It won't let me post the link. JUST GOOGLE Steve Harvey jump video . The image should be him in front of a Family Feud audience.