That is a nice nest egg to start off with. I would have to agree to take your time and get smart before you do anything with it. The temptation would be to do something now. I would read (Real estate and business books), listen to the BP podcast and the AskBP podcasts all the way through and get engaged on BP to figure out your strategy. Take a 30,000 foot view of the general direction (real estate) and start to whittle it down to 20,000 and 10,000 foot until you finally get to a laser focused niche view of how you want to proceed. I would probably figure out the best tax advantages. Maybe look around to find a CPA (one smart with tax and real estate investment) and an attorney (Tax and real estate) in order to start building that relationship. Do the leg work and figure out the numbers and how to find a good deal. You could probably for the moment dump the money into a couple Money Market accounts so that it is still liquid but also earning a little interest (more than savings account). Figure out goals and figure out very next actionable steps to get there. Dream big!