jumping on the thread late but just recently (2 weeks ago) was turned on to the "real estate" version of the book. I previously read the e myth revisited and enjoyed the concepts it laid out. I find the real estate version of the book takes Gerbers concepts and then expands them from a real estate investor point of view (as stated above). I have this book on audio and I am currently looking for it on digits if anyone has a copy of it they might want to offer up PLeASE feel free to message me directly. I may also have a treasure trove of book you Might want as well.
I will say this about book and how relevant they are and how much time should be allotted for them. As Gerber and his co-authors all speak about learning is a lifelong endeavor. Taking time and money to dedicate to learning (not just about real estate) is essential to figuring out new and complex problems. If you want to find new ways to innovate your way out of problems then knowledge is key. Expanding knowledge about people and psychology and marketing and technology just to make a few will enhance your ability to see holistic solutions to problems. This book touches on a lot of these key topics.
I have the book on audio so that I can consume it while I drive back and forth to work or even on a long trip. A lot of people tell me they are not able to listen to audio podcasts or books while driving. I would say try to slowly incorporate it into your daily routine. Worst case you just have to listen again.