@Paulo Bermudez
Hi Paulo and welcome. Good for you, knowing your way around that work and making good money!
Money is money, and people take it, so it will invest just as easily as money made in other means.
That said, and I want to be clear that I don't know you and am not going to assume anything about you - however, my experiences with union members in terms of hiring has been challenging, to such an extent that I would observe there is SOMETHING about past experience in a union that actually prevents one from achieving success as an entrepreneur. My guess is that the precise DNA in a union culture will be hard to pinpoint what that is, however I'd place a strong bet that by one 'trusting' a union to advocate on one's behalf, the main issue is that union members do not have agency, and get nearly zero experience in practicing negotiation and the soft skills requisite to be successful standing on their own in business.
As always, generalizations are dangerous, and I'll continue giving ex union members chances in terms of labor, depending on my needs - AND you can always be the exception!
The other consideration of your question is really about investing opportunities. Money is money and if you can be disciplined about saving, you'll be able to invest in other markets. In the meantime though while you're in the LA area, property is too expensive and you'd be limited to out of state investing, which I'd personally not recommend by any stretch, ESPECIALLY for a newbie.