There seems to be a lot of back and forth over the whole scammer thing. I understand what @john thedford is saying, but he's not elaborating on why he's on a mission to call out the scammers. Let me try to shed some light on the subject of wholesaling...
1. Wholesaling is a term that is unfortunately tossed around like a bad habit. It's frequently misused and misunderstood. True wholesaling is the act of purchasing a property and reselling it at a higher price for a profit. Assigning a contract is NOT wholesaling. 99% of all guru's and YouTube videos teach it wrong. This means that almost every single wholesaler out there has it wrong as well. Please understand that when you wholesale a house, you are BUYING AND THEN RESELLING the house. Keep this note in mind.
2. Assigning/selling your contract is NOT wholesaling. You are selling your contract. That's it. Nothing else. Nothing more. Assigning a contract is assigning the contract (not wholesaling). When you put a contract up for sale, you CANNOT give out the address or any pictures. As soon as you do that, you are brokering without a license. All 50 states require you to have a license to sell someone else's house. You are NOT selling a house. You are selling your CONTRACT. This is where almost everyone gets it wrong. It is the responsibility of the person who wants to buy the contract to read the contract to find the address and find their own pictures and details about the underlying property. If someone buys the contract, they are NOT buying the house. They are buying the contract. That contract gives them the right to buy the house. This is a huge difference between wholesaling and flipping contracts.
3. The states are cracking down on this issue big time (just check out the new legislation in Ohio and Illinois - Illinois being the most aggressive new legislation to stop wholesaling the way it is currently being taught and done - there are more states working on similar legislation). When you put a house under contract, you MUST have the ability (capacity) to close AND the full intention of closing. If you are soling putting the house under contract for the sake of flipping the contract, it's only a matter of time before you find yourself in a big pile of legal trouble. If you are advertising the address, pictures and other details about the house that you are selling a contract on, you will also soon find yourself in some hot water for this as well. Most "wholesalers" have neither the capacity nor the intent to actually close. If they can't find someone to buy the contract, they intend to walk away. This is a huge problem with how wholesaling is taught and most often done.
4. I can't see through anyone's computer screen and see what their doing, but when a question is asked about the best contract so that you can get out of the deal, a huge red flag is raised regarding your intent. When the state comes knocking on your door, believe me when I say that they will have looked you up online and read all of your posts before they get there. They will be able to prove your intent in court based on your questions in the forums. When they look at the county courthouse and see that you've never closed a deal, they will have further proof as to your intent. As for proving your ability/capacity to close, that's easy to prove too. All they have to do is look at your bank account. I know that you can always argue that you have access to hard money or a private lender. But you need to have it documented that you had those funds lined up for every single deal. If you don't, you lose on the capacity issue too.
5. When a "Wholesaler" isn't performing in the best interest of the seller and is only acting their own best interest, the word scammer and the phrase "anything for a buck" get tossed in. The reason that states require licenses is because of the fact that they feel that wholesalers and rehabber's take advantage of uneducated and unsuspecting sellers. Hence the reason that we can all expect more legislation to be passed in more states to limit & prevent this type of behavior. Unfortunately, the guru's have created a legal nightmare for the rest of us.
6. Lets talk a little bit about what's going on in Illinois for second... The new legislation in Illinois essentially makes it illegal to double close or assign a contract unless you are a licensed broker in their state. This move literally just shut down wholesaling as we know it. Now, I'm not an attorney, but I have no doubt that they are going to be making some examples of a few big wholesalers in the very near future to make sure that no one else wholesales any more. But, here's what's disturbing... I keep hearing two common things in other forums about the issue... 1. "I'll just double close." If I'm not mistaken, the law allow 1 transaction per year where you could get away with this. 2. "I'll just get my license." This one is going to get them in trouble as well. Why you ask? because the real estate license comes with a code of ethics that states the agent must put the best interest of the client first. If you get the house under contract at one price and can resell it at a higher price, you did not put their interests in front of your own. You knowingly put a house under contract for a price that you knew was not the best price that the seller could have gotten. It doesn't matter whether or not you disclose your intentions. You violated your licensing ethics. A violation of your ethics terminates your license. It's a circle jerk I know, but this is a real issue to overcome. Way to many investors are not educated enough to know the consequences of their actions. They just think that everything is OK as long as they get paid. The states strongly disagree with you. It is this attitude and lack of education that has them on the rampage.
7. If you want to see what is coming down the road in all 50 states, my friend Jeff Watson (he is the attorney for the National REIA) has some videos that he did with the State of Ohio on the topic. They are posted on his site. You can find them by going to https://www.WatsonInvested.com. The videos can be found under the Wholesaling tab. If you catch what they are saying, you should be changing your business practices to follow the laws better. If not, there will be consequences for you.
Hopefully this helps someone in the group to be better and stay out of trouble...