@Cameron Riley
I understand not wanting to pay a little for something, but there are a few ways you can think of it,
we spend money all the time for convenience and if you have a program or a system that will quickly allow you to do something and it’s as easy as any of the other things you may normally do out of convenience you would do this too.
The problem I found was what program do I use? My first step was to ensure I tracked everything!! So I use One Note to make a journal for everything. I track miles, to do lists, receipts and more, much more because it allows me to organize easily, takes great scans of receipts and other documents I may need to access quickly including prospective properties I’ve done research on and is accessible on the cloud. Pretty much everything can access Microsoft. Next I use QuickBooks online and had an accountant set it up. Yes it does cost but so does everything else and it’s a one time thing, you can also call QuickBooks and they will help you for as long as you need as well, at least with the program not as accountants but they are very useful. Taxes is far easier and all that tracking we do is much more accurate and you really only need to check the uncategorized items every so often, of which there are not many after you get to use it more.
The point is, it’s easier than it’s ever been but you only get to see that after paying a little and making it part of your habits. Do you do all your own work or hire people out? Do you have a dishwasher or wash by hand? I believe it to be on that same level of convenience.
Hope it helped.