By the way, they only have to pay 25% of rent by the end of January 2021 in order to be able to stay and squat in your property for September through January of 2021. And additionally, they have to sign the declaration of covid hardship, which pretty much anyone will sign since they can can flat out lie about it. Then you would have to pursue all your back-rent through small claims court starting in March of 2021 but the tenant basically has a full year after the moratorium ends to pay it back, if they pay it back.
I'm talking to my property manager and having the property manager's eviction attorney look into a possible eviction in September due to the fact that the tenant re-keyed the locks which is a direct violation of my lease agreement, and thereby is automatic grounds for termination / eviction. I should have the law on my side to evict the tenant since the eviction moratorium due to covid hardship (cannot make rent payments) doesn't apply if they violate any conditions of the residential lease agreement (like altering the property, changing locks without owner's written permission, adding a pet, etc.). So I believe I can pursue this in September since the judicial council has ended the eviction moratorium so court proceedings of this nature other than covid can proceed.