Sell a car? there's your liquid cash since you own them all. but also you can take out equity loans from your cars and borrow against them for some cash on hand for the what if's. or you can just go through a bank, there's a million ways to finance a deal. if i were in your position i would be crunchng numbers on homes and if the numbers work then go for it. paralysis by analysis i find is the dumbest thing ever. yes sometimes if you analize something someone else may buy it. but i wouldnt buy anything without feeling completely comfortable with the numbers. remember it's the exit strategy thats most importantl. we all dont want to end up buying a home we cant sell and just that liability our money away. so do your analysis.
i dont know how much help what i said is, but dont let anyone tell you that you're going too slow because if anything doesnt make sense then i wouldnt do anything until you feel comfortable with what you're doing. Im not saying dont act at all because of fear im saying just make sure you already have an idea of your profit when you walk into a place'
a note on satisfying your lender. you just need to satisfy yourself no one else is going to be thinking about satisfying you. good luck i hope you find a good deal. and things go well