Retirement funds are an important part of your financial security. The government has created a few guidelines as to how you can use those funds for retirement. But as long as the money is going towards a goal that will make you more financially secure in the future, it does not matter what type of investment vehicle you choose. In order to use your retirement fund for investing in Real estate, you need to:
1) Have an understanding of your risk tolerance: Knowing your risk tolerance is important when using retirement funds because it can determine how aggressive of an investment you want to make with your money.
2) Be mindful about taxes: You may be subject to income tax on any gains from investments, which could lead to a reduced return on your investment and/or taxes due at year end (if applicable).
3) Understand the withdrawal rules: If you withdraw money before age 59 ½ without penalties, the IRS requires that it be included as part of gross income. There are no early withdrawal penalties on up to $10,000 of earnings from your traditional IRA7 after you have reached age 55, but withdrawals taken prior to age 59 ½ may be subject to a 10% tax penalty.
4) Don't forget about required minimum distributions: The IRS requires you to start taking money out of your account at age 70½ or face a 50% tax penalty on the amount not withdrawn.
5) Proceed with caution: When making large financial decisions such as applying for an advanced degree or accepting a job offer, using retirement funds could lead to additional taxes and penalties if the decision doesn't pan out as expected.