Aloha All,
Has anyone had experience with tenants showing signs of untreated mental health?
I have a 4-plex and had a new tenant move in June 1st. His references and background checked out, and he's actually a pretty high earner with around six figure income, business owner, and seemed like a smart and professional guy in his 50s that had recently been divorced. The only strange thing was that he wanted to rent my studio that doesn't have interior access to the bathroom. It's only $1,200/mo since you have to walk outside to get to the bathroom.
Last night he called me saying that every night for the last 2 weeks there have been 2-3 guys standing outside his door and window and he has heard them talking about how they're going to break in. But every time he opens the door to investigate, or he calls the cops, they run off. At first I was really concerned for my tenants safety, he was so scared that he was looking for a hotel that would take him and his 2 big dogs. But then I spoke to the other 3 tenants, who have lived there for 3-5 years, and they said they think he's paranoid because they can hear anytime someone walks by, and they haven't heard anything. They were even sitting outside one night when the guys supposedly ran off, and they said there was no one there. Then I found out about more red flags, like that he would randomly be standing outside cursing at himself and other strange behavior. Last night one of the other tenants placed one of his security camera facing the studio and the only thing it captured was when the cops came after he called them again.
I'm not a doctor, so I have no business trying to diagnose someone, but I think it's seems very likely that mental illness is the root of this issue and that he must be hallucinating. But I don't know what I can do. Thankfully we only signed a 6 month lease, but we still have 4 months to go and I don't want my other tenants to have to deal with it that long. It would be totally different if it were a single family home and my neighbors had issues with him.. but these neighbors are also my tenants and they deserve to enjoy a peaceful, comfortable and safe home.
I'll talk to my lawyer about whether we can terminate the lease, but in the meantime I am also curious if anyone has any experience or suggestions on how I can get him help? I have to imagine that whatever is going on with him is seriously impeding his ability to live a happy life, and chances are strong that there is treatment that can really improve his quality of life. But I can't make him go to the doctor?
Anyone dealt with anything like this before?