The following is under Title 61 Chapter 2f Section 401 of the Utah Code. Be very careful discussing "foreclosure help" if you intend to take the property subject too the mortgage. I use to do exactly what you intend to do, knock doors of preforeclosures with equity with the intent to buy sub2. This was before I was licensed; however, there is language elsewhere in the code that states, paraphrasing, that not being licensed does not excuse you from breaking these laws. These are laws not administrative rules. Pay attention to (21) (b) and (d) i & ii.
(21) (a) engaging in an act of loan modification assistance that requires licensure as a mortgage officer under Chapter 2c, Utah Residential Mortgage Practices and Licensing Act, without being licensed under that chapter;
(b) engaging in an act of foreclosure rescue without entering into a written agreement specifying what one or more acts of foreclosure rescue will be completed;
(c) inducing a person who is at risk of foreclosure to hire the licensee to engage in an act of foreclosure rescue by:
(i) suggesting to the person that the licensee has a special relationship with the person's lender or loan servicer; or
(ii) falsely representing or advertising that the licensee is acting on behalf of:
(A) a government agency;
(B) the person's lender or loan servicer; or
(C) a nonprofit or charitable institution; or
(d) recommending or participating in a foreclosure rescue that requires a person to:
(i) transfer title to real estate to the licensee or to a third-party with whom the licensee has a business relationship or financial interest;
(ii) make a mortgage payment to a person other than the person's loan servicer; or
(iii) refrain from contacting the person's:
(A) lender;
(B) loan servicer;
(C) attorney;
(D) credit counselor; or
(E) housing counselor.