Thanks for all the wonderful feedback and ideas.
She was born in Colorado, grew up there as a pre-teen, so she knows the area, but we had to move to TX for my job recently, she wants to go "home" basically.
She got accepted to CSU and wants to move and live in FOCO. CSU makes you attend freshman year inside the dorms, but she would love to live off campus years 2-4. Buying her house and letting her rent it will be the target regardless of any break in tuition as this will help her offset the costs long term.
I was not trying to cheat the system, merely trying to figure out that how this native born Coloradian would like to return home, be a resident again, and going to college full time does not seem to work without domicile, so a property might be the ticket.
I'm going to pursue this topic more as it does not hurt to help her setup her new life in Colorado and allow her to try to come out of college without 160K in debt.