@Undrea King: I would get a deal if possible. We are in the situation that more often flooding may be possible. I actually purchased my home in Galveston after Ike, which took 1 foot of water. I'm one of those purchasers. Hurricane Ike was almost entirely flooding.
It sounds like they abated the flooding issue as far as the house. When I consider Houston investments, I always look to see how close to a Bayou or body of water a house is located. Some of these events that have occurred recently are compounded effects from infrastructure that's worn out, more development pressure, and less greenspace. The lack of flood storage capacity to handle these events, the more likely it will happen in the next major storm event. Are you wholesaling the property? If you can get it cheaper and unload or walk away. I feel it will become more common in Houston as development pressures continue to fill in the greenspace with concrete. I work in the environmental field and see so much and have learned so much about these issues.