@Belinda Lopez: Thanks for a better representation of our lovely island. I would only add to your description that we really do have almost a year round weekend vacation rental spot. I have lived here since 1998 and love the island, including all of the charm you mentioned. It is certainly a harsh climate for homes...but this spring, my door is open and my birds nests in my shutters are singing! We are truly blessed with this spring weather and our beautiful island!
Having said that, I would also include that if it's not tied down it grows legs around Galveston. As long as it's put up and out of sight it may stay. That goes for most any property here as I rented 9 times during college in different locations, or rather streets.
I work with FEMA mapping and our recent hurricane has increased flood insurance and windstorm costs by at least 15 or 20%. It can still be a money-maker here on the island but mostly vacation rentals would generate those larger increased profits.
UTMB is not the only major employer on the island. We have a Coast Guard base (housing allowance) and the Army Corps of Engineers (good income) that employs over 340 people. Some of these workers are transient and rentals may have a turn over. Other workers may live off of the island. I used to list my home on airbnb.com and did well myself. I am not close to the seawall, but located approximately 1 mile from it. It's a sand bar with a close proximity to downtown strand area and seawall for the Gulf of Mexico.
Ryson Realty seems to have the market on vacation rental management although I have never contacted them. Also, my friend works for Better Homes and Gardens. She has stated that a 20% management fee includes linen service as well.
I am extremely new and just starting out with real estate investing. I hope to transition away from my career in environmental science for my passion in real estate!