Hello all and thanks for taking the time to read and possibly respond to my post
I'm interested in the process of driving for dollars and what it's actually supposed to look like.
I understand the driving part-- but what about the "for dollars part?"
What do you do AFTER you locate distressed properties and possible motivated sellers?
Is the first course of action to look up the property information on your county's website? After that, how do you go about negotiating a property and making a cash offer on something you haven't seen (or would you try and get access to the home first?)
Sorry for the very vague questions-- i'm sure there's more information out there about specifically what i'm asking. Currently, I want to do SOMETHING so i'm going to scope out a deal and partner with 1 of numerous investors I've connected with in my area and driving for dollars is something I can immediately do.
Please comment below if you have any experience "Driving for dollars" and/or if you know what the procedures are and what they look like
Thank you