Real quick, everyone will be giving you biased advice.
Property managers say property management is hard. They also want your business.
Do-if-yourself landlords will say managing your own rentals is easy. They also want you to agree with them.
Then you have all the other people that have an opinion. Some have something to say no matter what the question is.
You always have to sort through all the noise. Everyone has their own style and strategy.
Don’t listen to me, but here’s my 2-cents. I say do your own tests. If you’re planning to start your own RE Business, what better way to get some good experience than doing your own property management your last few years before military retirement? I’ve managed my rentals for over ten years, often deployed to the Middle East. You have to stick to one strategy and not get distracted by all the shiny advice and things you could do. If you are in the military, you know the importance of strategy over tactics.
Remember this:
Experts talk about principles.
Amateurs love to talk about tactics.
Novices love to talk about other people’s techniques.
At the end of the day, everyone is trying to do their best based on many different factors. Ultimately, everything depends on you… you have to decide what’s right and wrong for you.