Hey Viktor,
Are you just getting started?
I made a video on this... I finished a deep dive into landlord mindsets. For example:
Mindset + Behavior = Result
How long do you think you'll be a landlord? If you're looking for a quick fix, and just to get the job done, then you can get away with a generic lease for the time being but your results will be subpar. However, if you're in this for the long run, then you want to optimize your lease and use it as a way to leverage systems that make your life easier as a landlord (and you want solid FAQs).
In my opinion, the lease is the most important document you have that directly affects results. I know when I first started out, I asked a realtor for their lease. It was a catchall lease with no systems built specifically for a landlord managing their own property. Over time, after 12 years of managing my own rentals from Iraq, I had to figure out ways to help my tenants without me being directly involved. I eventually learned unique efficiencies that really helped me out as a landlord.
You see, a property manager cannot be as creative as a self-managing landlord because they are constrained by company policy and what the owners want. Similar to realtors. Not to mention, everyone has their own "my-side" bias and people are motivated by incentives. There is no one that will have a greater incentive to run your business better than you! For me, I'm free to think outside the box and implement my own processes that give me the result I want — "real freedom."
Anyways, that's how I see it.
If you're interested in talking further, feel free to private message me.
Rene G