@Lisa Stewart
Hey Lisa, I have to ask you another question
Say I have 5-6 good solid APPLICANTS, all paid the fee and my third party did their due diligence ( however they do that ) and tells me, “ Cam Here are the 5 applicants you should choose from now “
- 5 solid applicants applied, only 1 gets the home, so it’s not necessarily a “ bad credit “ or “ felony “ or any specific reason that someone wouldn’t be awarded the home. Sometime it’s the simple fact that, this person offered a better situation, she has good rental history, people know her in neighborhood and she is paying a good security deposit.. The others were qualified but only 1 gets it..
- How do I go about that situation? If I explained it good enough to understand it.. I didn’t reject the 4 because they were bad applicants, just picked what I thought would be the best one
- what can I say to them now?
“ notification: The home on 99 Gold street has been leased to another applicant. Your application had no red flags. I selected a overall better qualified applicant. Thanks for understanding. Best of luck in home search “
I feel like that template kind of drags on... lol what do you think?
Help me help help me!!! I’m selecting someone in 48hrs! 😃🙏🏡