Hello @Ashton Sharp,
It sounds like you certainly have the REI bug! I understand the desire to be working daily in a field related to RE rather than whatever field you currently work in. As a 9-5 er, I have the same thoughts myself. However, as I have told myself countless times, it is counterproductive and a wasted redirection of energy to concentrate on changing your source of daily income to meet your desire to be involved in the RE community. Truthfully, most RE jobs, don't have much to do with investing, (I think only about 20% of RE agents invest). I am thinking of getting my RE licencse again (had it in AZ when I lived there), but would not want to be an agent this time, I would use it solely to enhance investing. Also, once you start a new job, you will have quite a bit to learn. That will be another drain of your time and energy that will hijack your REI efforts. A much more productive path, I believe, is to be the best employee you can while you are at your current job and keep that W-2 income flowing while you use BP and local networking opportunities to meet those that are already out there doing it and to get your first deal happening. The W-2 income is insurance to increase your chances of acquiring lending, I have not found a better source of information to be had ANYWHERE than BP, and local networking is priceless. There is a meetup the third Thursday of each month here in Bako hosted by Gene Hacker. You can find it on the community tab, networking events for Bakersfield.
Good luck!!