Hello @Ryan Robinson !! Hope all is well. Are you look for active wholesalers or just more deals? What is your primary area of operations? Are you looking for Properties in the Prince William County Market?
I can share what questions I get asked most often, and what best practices I use to ensure that the deal is a win-win-win.
1. Ask the wholesaler to review the whole purchase-and-sale in addition to the assignment addendum (if it is an assignment).
2. Ask the wholesaler what is their exit-strategy if you do not pursue the opportunity
3. Ask the wholesaler to walk you through the marketing strategy, the buy-seller conversation and what the true expectations of the seller are
4. Last but not least, confirm the total the earnest money that the wholesaler has committed to purchase
5. All else fails, go with gut. The deal is with the people, not with the property.
Hope any of it helps, and thank you for the opportunity to field the question. Best of luck and please connect if you are interested in the PWC or Southern Fairfax market.