@Chris Kornbrust we are probably about the same age. But in terms of becoming a millionaire by 35-40. I guess it depends on how aggressive and how focus you are. We all have somewhere to start from. You have 100k. That’s good. Not many people have that. Especially right now. But always keep this in mind. Active income trumps passive income.
So with that being said. I think learning and understanding construction. Should be your best bet. Not for you to throw hammers but for learning the business of construction and real estate. You can learn both at the same time. I say that to say, it comes really in handy when your looking to buy and hold real estate or fix and flip.
i think you should build up a good rapport with a general contractor. And find areas that within the C to B range. And fix and flip in those areas. Areas that are okay or on the slow uprise. If it’s already a lot of development coming or many people wholesaling and flippers flipping in that area. Chances are your too late and need to look elsewhere due to the prices are going be too high thus reducing your profit. Then it’s not finding too many opportunities in the area due to the heavy activity.
Always remember to rehab base on the area. Your rehabbing a house for the end customer who is more than likely a family and going use a traditional loan. FHA or bank loan. Although there have been exceptions.
Finding a good contractor is going be hard due to everyone claiming they can fix something. I’m sure you can read previous post of other people on here to see how shady many of these people who claim to be contractors are.
Once you have your first flip done. It may be a win, it may be a loss. But the important thing is you did one. So moving forward. You need to develop systems and processes in place to scale. That’s the only way for you to be able to buy houses in areas worth investing your time in at a good price. Then let’s say you can fix and flip 5 houses then buy one or two rentals for buy and hold purposes. Or whatever your strategy is. As you learn more you will switch things up as well.
Real estate is a slow game. It’s not perfect either. Due to many factors not being in your control. Dealing with so many people in your business operations and supply chain, but when done right. Many people will be jealous of you. Especially when you become successful. But don’t pay them any attention. Everyone wants to jump in real estate but only a few stick around.