Hey Lucas be careful what you ask for. My opinion here is that you are getting some crazy advise. What you see as a negative should be viewed as an opportunity. Talk to your tenant and explain the situation and level set expectations. You are texting with your tenant which is great. I would explain to her what she is doing to you. She may be a complete idiot and not be aware that whenever she makes contact there's a consequence.
Just tell her you will be more than happy to fix, repair and upgrade anything she desires but you are going to charge her for each hour and for the parts it takes to address the request.
This way she will really consider her request and you can make some money on each request. People with mental illness need to live somewhere.
Getting rid of a paying tenants who are a pain in the rear is not worth it. If you hate dealing with tenants consider a property management company. You need to separate yourself emotionally from your tenant. It's a business that is not always as advertised.
What you are explaining is the fun side of this business. Dealing with people!! If we all start trading D class stories, we could write a book.