There are more experts on this site that can provide more information than you can handle. I recommend to keep things simple, find a turnkey provider in an area that fits the investment plan you are trying to accomplish. This way you don't have to make contact and try and vet a realtor, a property manager, a rehabber, plus all the other contacts you are going to need out of state. It's just too many variables and if you get one wrong its going to be an expensive lesson. You just want to get on base with a base hit to get your feet wet. The home runs will come later with more experience. You could do it without a TK provider but why go through all the time its going to take. Of course you could make more money if you do things yourself but the money will come pouring in after a few deals. Just due your due diligence on TK providers that way you only have to worry about one person and not the whole team right off the bat.. As you grow then you can do more on your own. I'm a small fry here on this site and I'm getting to know who the real players are and they are on this thread but as a newbee its hard to know who to trust.