I wanted to share something a mentor and friend had shared with me six months or so ago. I can claim nothing from this idea or concept. I trust you will utilize this as appropriate in your life and I pray it makes an impact however big or small. This is called the Success Equation. Here is what the equation looks like: (((P + T) * As) * Ac) * F= Success.
Now to explain, just like all math equations, the inner most equation (those within the inner most parentheses) must be solved and provide an answer before moving outward to the solution. Keeping that in mind lets take a look.
The "P" stands for your Passion. What you wake up, living, breathing, eating, all day long, every day. This keeps you up late at night, and you wake up early in the morning just to spend a few more minutes doing this one activity. It drives you, it propels you to sacrifice, to satisfy this need.
What is your Passion?
The "T" stands for Talent. A talent is something you find yourself naturally attracted to. It is something that you just easily do and its enjoyable. You find enjoyment and fulfillment and satisfaction from using these talents. Everyone has been blessed by our Maker with talents. This could be from creating something with your mind, to creating something with your hands. It could be public speaking, to solving problems in the quite of your home.
What is your Talent?
Remember a talent has been gifted to your from God. You were born with this. You may not have known you were talented in this area while you were young, but as you have grown and experienced life your talents have manifested themselves throughout your life. You only need to look closely to discover them. A passion must be developed. It is you that makes and creates your passions. The world is yours to discover, so finding your passion, if given some thought and prayer can be exciting and reviving to your spirit and soul. Now once you have found your passion and talent it is necessary to combine these and align them together. once that happens you have "added" one to the other and you can begin to create your destiny of success!
I would like to continue deciphering this equation, however I will continue this on another day! Stay tuned as I will let you know a little more about what my mentor told me about becoming successful!