Quote from @Andre Watkins:
Quote from @Account Closed:
Or you may as well learn a bit about trading and play some options and try to grow that
I've been looking into options heavily!! Do you have someone you could direct me to that does options trading? more than happy to be a sponge.
I'd first get fluent with technical analysis and trading psychology. Don't start with options. Open a sim account with a broker and learn how the platform works before you touch options.
Technical Analysis - Oliver Velez. He's one of the better traders ever and where I learned to trade.
Psychology - Mark Douglas. Also one of the best traders ever and has two books "The Disciplined Trader" and "Trading in the Zone". I'd read at least the first one so you can understand that trading isn't hard because of the technical analysis but because it requires you to master yourself before you can make anything in the market with consistency.
It takes time to develop a disciplined psychology that allows for consistency in trading but if you stick with it, profitability will come and your life will get a lot more freedom.
Good luck