@Hobart King
Not real experienced but I went to the Batholomew and Owen counties last week and this is what I noticed.
1) Depends on the property. On some there was no overbid at all (I got one of those). Some went for almost retail. All depends on if you want the property or you think it will redeem and how much you can afford to have your money tied up.
2) The fees are included in the minimum bids.
3) They changed some things. The overbid is only 5% now (consider this when overbidding).
4). Oh yeah, you have title search done and notification after first month and before 6 months. You need to fill out a 137b to get reimbursed for title search ($250-$350 depending on county) and attorney fees (up to $650 in the 2counties I was in). SRI has this info on their website. Also, you don't have to, but if you get the property you'll have to pay them anyway, spring taxes. In Owen county the SRI guy said you get 10%, the other guy said 5%. One of them is wrong.
I'll add 5). Call the county and check their payment terms. Owen took personal checks and Bartholomew took wire and cashiers checks. No change. In Marion you need to set up an account.
I'll be going to some big ones coming up. Johnson county 10/1 and the real big one Marion on 10/8&9. If I have any money left I'm going to Hendricks and Hamilton. I tell you this because if you see a good looking fella with a white hat, don't outbid me.