I love your post title! Sometimes we get put down when we do things "different"! Glad you can see the flip side. We're small timers, working our way up, my husband is a blue collar worker, and never made a lot, I have a small home business, we have 5 kids and homeschool. We grew up low class, but not poverty level. our investment deals are all about quality of life. Our first goal, many years ago, was to be able to live without a mortgage (in a house big enough for us, and we, with Gods help, of course, accomplished that with a small land subdivision. (in a 100 year flood zone) This is "different" , lol. 2nd goal was to get my husband out of his dead end job at a grocery store, where he'd worked 17 years. so, went on to move 3 mfh, used, but nice, onto our lots (another short plat) we live in one and rent 1 Still learning the ins and outs of landlording! We're supposed to by signing soon on a lease with option contract for the remaining house. (we have discovered financing) The tenant buyers are pretty excited. We'll see how it goes! Husband was able to quit last year, and now works a variaty of jobs, and details cars on occasion. We are very upfront with our buyers, and the market goes up. we live in an area that is close to a fast growing community. Next goal-make a little more money. I would love to not have to work my business anymore. Mothering and real estate is enough! We have a plan, for our next project, but I'll share after we get it done.
Our ultimate goal(many years from now) is to buy a mfh park, or storage facitility, but with our projections, hopefully we'll be able to do both. I am absolutely confident we could do "john fedro" flips if we owned a mfh park, but its difficult to impossible without owning the park, or being a mfh mover, here in tri cities. Too many laws, and the trailers hold their value better than other areas.
sorry this is so long! Thanks for listening!