My husband and I just got done putting out a fire that the tenant's son (not on the lease, and as far as I know, not living there), started. There was a big pile of sticks between our place and theirs, and, since it was "st Patricks day" (he said) he started it on fire. I think he had been drinking. I also think that he used major amounts of kerosene, judging by the 15-20- ft flames! Unfortunately, there are 3 trees right above that pile, and they started to catch on fire. We are inside city limits, and its illegal to have a bonfire on a non-fire day (there are rarely fire days). Needless to say, we are getting rid of the pile of wood. Nothing important caught on fire, and the tenants now think we are major worry warts. What should we do? I just want that son to be supervised when he visits, and not stay over night. And I would like them to only have small camp fires, not under trees! (which we talked about when they moved in.) Should we press charges on the son? He didn't even help put out the fire, but stood there like he was a stone.