I think I've read that its hard to get good management on parks under 17 spaces-ish. Its so small. "all the problems of a big park, but with the income of a small park." I've heard. I think that's a stretch, though, and I think surely its all in the $ numbers! Hubs and I would jump at a small park that made $ sense if it was in our area, but definately not if it was more than a couple hours away. Unless we planned to move to operate it, which wouldn't make sense, because I'd have to leave my other business, and he'd have to leave his job, and it wouldn't pay enough to make a living on. Take away---I haven't bought a park yet! Just done a lot of reading about it! and driving through them, I mean "bumping" through them. (speedbumps) :-) I think when we do buy a park, we'll probably try to go in with a partner that's pretty savy---I think that we would benefit each other a lot, from the combined brain power. Just my 2 bits.