Keep the student loan debt. That is a relatively low monthly payment. I would not wait to invest, by paying down your student loan debt. Run some numbers (with assumptions)
Student loan debt is 20k, so basically you have 20k to pay off the loans or invest.
If you pay of the loan then you save 5-6 percent on 20k
If you invest then you leverage that 20k into a 100k property that will produce >5 percent on the 100k, not just the 20k.
If you run the numbers in more detail then,
invest at 10 percent discount into a property, so you buy an 80k property for 72k. You put 20 percent down ( 14.4k) and another 5-6 k for fixing up the unit. You rent out the property for a cash flow of 200 dollars a month because you researched and only bought a property that met your criteria. Because you bought at a discount, and you put in a little sweat equity, the home value at 80k increased to 90k. So now you have a mortgage loan for 57.5k and a property valued at 90k that is cash flowing 200 per month or 2400 per year.
After the first year you have roughly (based on major assumptions) 33 k in equity, and 2400/yr of cash flow ( which is a cash on cash return of 12 %) Thats not counting potential appreciation, debt pay down by tenants, and the equity you already have in the property.
Of course none of that is guaranteed, thats why investing involves risk. The student loan debt is guaranteed. However, i for one am betting on myself and taking chances vs playing it safe and regretting lack of action in the future.