Originally posted by @Joel Owens:
Definitely would run by the local commercial attorney to make sure no conflict. Cigar shop if smoking can cause huge issues with filtration leeching into other tenants units.
That tenant might also not be a good match for the center if other tenants are more health related as might be off putting to existing tenants customers.
Existing tenants that have been there awhile and paying are more stable cash flow then new tenant coming in typically because they have no history of performing at that location.
No legal advice given
Thanks Joel. Right now we also have a Farmers agent who expresses interest in this same space. She is waiting for Farmers on approval of our location. If our building is approved then for sure I will go with Farmers agent. She is also our tenant from residential who moves here from OK and will open up her agency here. Only if this location is not approved by Farmers then I will reconsider the cigar shop guy and will check with a local commercial attorney to make sure there is no conflict. And just like you said, I have concerns not only with the conflict but also if this will be a good fit for our strip, and the smell getting into filtration. All our current tenants are good and stable so right now we are very being very selective with who we want to bring in as new tenants.
Oh, we did sign a lease with Cricket Wireless back in January (with a 40 locations operator and he personally guarantees the lease) so I have been feeling good about that deal.
Great input/advise as always. Thanks. I really appreciate it!